Preparing to Attend LATISM 2014 Conference And Change The World

Latism Top Blogueras in the UN
LATISM 2013 Top Blogueras at the UN.

I am over the moon excited to have the opportunity this year to attend the LATISM 14 conference and am deeply honored and grateful to have been included among a truly amazing group of blogueras and influencers as a Top Bloguera 14!

Last year I had the amazing opportunity to attend LATISM as one of the 2013 Top Blogueras and I have to start by saying that those days spent in New York learning from and sharing with some or the most influential Latinos in social media and with my fellow Top Blogueras was truly life changing.  Last year we had the opportunity to visit the United Nations and I can not wait to see what is in store for us this year.

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LATISM is unlike any other conference I have ever attended, it is focused on providing the support and the motivation that we need as entrepreneurs and professional bloggers to reach our dreams and to make a difference for our children and for Latinos in the US. I cam back from New York last year empowered and inspired to take the plunge into the future. The energy coming from this group of Latina leaders and entrepreneurs all gathered together was just exploding with creativity and passion.

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I encourage you to join me this year in attending the LATISM 14 conference, I can assure you that you will not regret it. You will find information and inspiration from a passionate community of Latinos who are not only working together to bring Latino issues to the forefront but who’s mission is to empower Latinos and to take action and believe in themselves as catalyst for change. I know that the LATISM 14 conference will give me the tools and the encouragement to use the power within me  to make me take the next steps into realizing my personal dreams. For me that dream involves being able to use my voice and my online influence to make the world a better place for my kids.

Learn more about the LATISM 14 conference and register HERE.


Latinos in Social Media (LATISM) is a 501(c) 4 nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering Latino(a)s in the areas of education, health, technology & business through the use of tech innovation & social media. LATISM also helps to raise awareness among corporate brands, NGOs and government entities about using social media to reach Latinos. LATISM has been hailed as the most influential online movement in the new multicultural Web.

Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

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