boy reading books in Spanish

Best Spanish Books for Children

Reading books in Spanish has been one of the most effective ways for our family to teach our children the language. Our children’s Spanish books have really helped them enjoy learning Spanish and for families like ours, who value cultural heritage and want to raise bilingual children, incorporating bilingual and Spanish books into daily routines … Read more

girl reading bilingual Curious George book

Why Bilingual Is Better Even if Your Child Has a Speech Delay

The advantages of bilingualism and learning more than one language have been proven time and time again. However, when it comes to children with special needs or speech delays, many doctors and therapists often recommend that parents stick to just one language. This view, while common, can overlook the profound benefits of maintaining a home … Read more

Raising Third Culture Kids: Advantages and Advice for Parents

Raising Third Culture Kids: Advantages and Advice for Parents

This article was written in collaboration with Aetna International. Being a Third Culture Kid can have many advantages, but Third Culture kids can also face challenges as they find their place in between two or more cultures. Third Culture Kids are kids who are raised in a culture other than their parents’. So what are … Read more

eBook Plaza app

eBookPlaza A Great Education Tool For Bilingual Children

This is part of a sponsored collaboration ̊with the PreK12 Plaza. However, all opinions expressed are my own. #eBookPlaza #PlazaBilingue For our family maintaining the Spanish language alive has always been very important but as the kids grow older there is less and less time left for focusing on Spanish. As we rush from homework … Read more

teaching leadership skills boy with a thumbs up

Tips For Raising Latino Leaders

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of 4-H. The opinions and text are all mine. As the parent of Latino children it’s important for me to work at raising leaders and teaching my children the skills they need to succeed as adults. Fortunately, there are a lot of leaders in the … Read more

Guest Post: Growing Up Bilingual by F. Isabel Campoy

There are words that will always have a special joy, importance, or sentimental value in the language in which you first learned them. Amic, jocs, ávia and pa hold a special place in my heart because I shared them with friends, in the streets where I grew up, in the market where my mother went … Read more