The Benefits of Inclusive Playgrounds

This post was sponsored by Landscape Structures as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

The importance of inclusive playgrounds and why they're good for communities

Playing should be accessible for children of all abilities and that is why inclusive playgrounds are so important not only for kids with different abilities but for communities as well. Inclusive playgrounds are a great place for kids to develop physical, cognitive, sensory and social skills. 
My daughter is on the autism spectrum, she also has a motor processing disorder that limits her mobility. She has difficulty navigating uneven terrain, and climbing steps or ladders. For her and kids like her, with different abilities and/or limited mobility, play structures in playgrounds can be difficult to access and even dangerous.
The importance of inclusive playgrounds and why they're good for communities
Taking my kids to a playground used to be stressful. I wanted my daughter to play with all the other kids at parks. But often the playground structures where more a source of danger than fun. Most playgrounds around our home were just too hard for her to navigate. Then we discovered the playground at Lakes Park in Fort Myers. Lakes Park is one of the few parks in Southwest Florida that has an inclusive play structure, which was made by Landscape Structures. The playground gives easy access to all children by incorporating ramps. The playground design goes beyond accessibility providing sensory play opportunities as well.
The importance of inclusive playgrounds and why they're good for communities
In this playground, I don’t have to worry about my daughter falling or getting hurt. She doesn’t have to focus on maneuvering steps or ladders and can focus on just having fun. She’s able to enjoy herself and play with the other kids, make friends. Both of my kids can play in the same playground along the with other kids and my daughter doesn’t feel excluded.
I’m so thankful that Landscape Structures creates inclusive playgrounds
were all kids can play together and just be kids! Landscape Structures understands that through inclusive play, kids learn life lessons such as leadership, persistence, support, and empathy. Their playground designs go beyond accessibility. They also address age and developmental appropriateness and provide sensory-stimulating activities

Why Inclusive Play Structures are Good for Communities

  • Inclusive play structures bring kids of all abilities together, giving all children the opportunity to get to know children different from themselves. Through playing together kids learn, from an early age, that all kids have similarities and differences which in turns teaches children to be more accepting and tolerant.
  • Inclusive playgrounds teach kids to be sensitive. Through interaction and play, all children become aware of the needs of their peers and others around them. Being sensitive is an important life-skill.
  • Playing with children of differing abilities teaches kids about fairness and equality. By learning to play together and work together with kids of different abilities kids will incorporate these attitudes into their work ethic once they grow up to be adults.
  • Inclusive playgrounds promote the development of empathy. Empathy promotes social harmony and can reduce bullying. It also promotes good mental health and higher levels of overall happiness. And having a better ability to understand others translate in skills that are valuable in the job environment, like understanding what customers need.

The importance of inclusive playgrounds and why they're good for communities

Inclusive playgrounds are better for kids of all abilities. Visit com to find an inclusive playground near you!
How inclusive playgrounds benefit communities
Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

20 thoughts on “The Benefits of Inclusive Playgrounds”

  1. In my mind, all playgrounds were inclusive as everyone can go play there so the term is new to me. However I get that sometimes it can be quite hostile to some kids so it is great when the place is openly inclusive as, as you said, it has so many benefits!

  2. This is such a great post to create awareness of inclusive playgrounds. Its really important for all kids to be able to play together!

  3. I liked how you focused on the benefits of an inclusive playground. I agreed with your point that playing with children with different abilities build fairness and equality in children.

  4. WOW! That playground is just what every kid would appreciate. I love that children of all abilities can comfortably play here without any fear. That’s such a nice gesture that helps develop love among kids.

  5. Awesome article! Every child should have an opportunity to form memories in playgrounds and that includes kids with special abilities. Sadly in the fast growing urban areas, the basic access to green spaces is being denied to kids; leave aside inclusive playgrounds. With the increasing levels of intolerance in our society, the importance of inclusive playgrounds has become manifold. They provide us opportunities to inculcate sensitivity and tolerance in kids from young ages. It also provides ways for parents and caregivers to safely engage with children with special abilities, in play activities.

  6. Paula, you’ve written a very informative post! I appreciate the concept of an inclusive playground because it is an excellent approach to teaching children about interacting with children of all abilities. I believe that installing playground equipment that encourages group play will make the area more active and exciting for all children.


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