How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids

Tracking PixelMy kids are huge fans of KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese and I’m excited to be partnering with the Kraft Heinz Food Company to share with you all about the new KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners and how you can make dinner time a great time for valuable conversations.

KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners

Life is busy and sometimes there’s just not enough time to cook dinner. KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese has always been a favorite in our home and the new KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners now available at Publix are life savers.

How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids

When I get home after a long day of work and driving kids back and forth from different after-school activities, I don’t have to stress about what to make for dinner. I just grab one of the KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners from the freezer and I’ve got dinner on the table in minutes! The best part is that I know that the kids will love it and that they are going to eat it.

KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners

KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners are easy meals to make for kids that feature the mac and cheese they know and love paired with a protein and fruit or vegetable. With no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, it’s a quick and yummy dinner for kids I can feel good about.

KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners are new at Publix and you can find the four varieties in the frozen aisle.

  • KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese with Whole Wheat Chicken Nuggets and Broccoli
  • KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese with Grilled BBQ Chicken and Carrots
  • KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese with Chicken & Beef Meatballs and Apples
  • KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese with Roasted Chicken and Broccoli

Getting food on the table quickly means that I have more quality time to spend with my family at the table, and that is priceless! The dinner table is the one place where I can bring my family together. Dinnertime is the best time for starting important conversations, staying connected to what my kids are interested in and what is going on in their lives.

How to have great dinner conversations with your kids

Dinnertime can be a great time for promoting meaningful conversations and for spending quality time with your kids. Here are some of the ways in which we create the best environment for great conversations at the dinner table.

Don’t turn mealtime into a battleground. Yes, it’s important for kids to eat their food and have a balanced meal but that doesn’t mean you have to feed them something they won’t want to eat. Choosing kid-friendly meals that your kids are sure to love gets them excited about sitting down at the table to have dinner and promotes a positive environment that in turn leads to spending quality time together at the dinner table.

My kids really loved the KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese with Roasted Chicken and Broccoli. The chicken was flavorful and soft and the broccoli tasted fresh and still had some of that crispness (not soggy at all). My son had fun mixing up the chicken and broccoli into the Macaroni & Cheese and loved the combination. I loved seeing them eat their dinner so quickly and with a smile on their faces.

How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids

There’s no need to slave in the kitchen. Spending lots of time cooking after a long day leaves me drained. Sometimes I’m so tired at dinnertime that I don’t have the energy to talk. So, when I’ve had a busy day and have limited time, I look for easy dinner solutions that I can get on the table quickly like KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners.

Turn off the TV. Making a commitment to having dinner at the dinner table and away from the TV lets, everyone focus on spending time together and sharing about their day.

Keep electronic devices away from the dinner table. We have a rule about not allowing cell phones or any other devices at the dinner table. This goes for everyone, including the adults. Dinnertime is a time for focusing on each other and cell phones distract you and disconnect you from others.

How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids

Make mealtime fun. We love to come up with games and fun conversation starters so that mealtime is something fun. From riddles and telling jokes to conversation starter cards. We encourage silliness at the dinner table, always keeping things respectful. Part of that fun is getting kids involved in making meals they love like KRAFT Macaroni & Cheese Frozen Dinners.

Let kids take the lead when it comes to starting a conversation. Make your kids active participants in choosing what they want to talk about. To make this easier we have created a jar with conversation starters that my kids can choose from but lately, they have been getting really creative and they love coming up with their own conversation starters.

How do you make mealtime fun and engaging for your kids? I would love to hear your ideas and suggestions!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the Kraft Heinz Food Company.
How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids

Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

19 thoughts on “How to Have Great Dinner Conversations With Your Kids”

  1. After reading your post, I feel like I am missing something. I think we don’t have dinner conversations every day because of our lifestyle. I don’t eat dinner or, should I say, I usually eat dinner early at least before 6pm. My husband is a pilot, so he is not always around. When he is around, I always sit with him at the dining table. He eats (I don’t), and we just talk. My son eats after 6pm and it is usually rush because we have to study and do his assignments. This just makes me sad. I hope when my kids are a little bit older, we can have lively dinner conversations.

  2. having time to spend talking with your kids is so important! They might not remember the exact conversations but they’ll remember you taking time to hear about their lives and its worth more than anything in the world!

  3. I fully agree with your meal time suggestions….TV and electronic devices have to be certainly keep away and meal time for sure cannot be allowed to develop into a battle ground…meals have to be enjoyed..
    God bless you

  4. Great ideas for how to make dinner time enjoyable with the kids. I always make my boys take 5 no thank you bites before I move onto something else for them. I loved in Kraft as a kid.

  5. Wow, what a great way to make conversations with kids… I must try this with mine. Kids are spending way too much time on their cells and we hardly speak during the week especially with school and other activities.
    BTW, I also love mac and cheese… LOL…

  6. Is it really bad if I say “I knew all these” after reading them. Honestly if some asked me how to get the most out of dinner time to talk to my kids I couldn’t tell them. But this is it, I kinda knew this but seeing it out down really highlights how easy it is to actually do it.

  7. I do try to keep my daughter being the one taking the lead in the conversation. But it’s not always an easy thing with her as a teenager. I know it’s important to get her talking though.

  8. These tips are proven effective and will sure to have things work out. It is amazing to have wonderful conversation with kids during meal time. Turning off the TV is a basic but definitely impacting.

  9. I can absolutely relate to this My parents would never allow us to use our phones and laptops while eating and it surely enhanced our conversations. Good enough, there is no TV in the dining room too. So whenever we are eating together , it is always nice conversing.

  10. My kids love macaroni as well, but we call it Nudeln in German. They cud eat it alone without sauce or with tomato sauces. I am more interested in how to make a good conversation during dinner. I agreed with all suggestions, away from cellphones or TV turn offs. It will become our family rules too. Thank you!


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