Websites and Articles

Websites, Resources, and Articles for Parents and Teachers of Bilingual Kids

  • Fonetiks. Website for teachers to learn how to pronounce words and phonemes in many different languages. Useful for incorporating a student’s home language in the classroom.
  • The National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE) is an advocacy organization that represents bilingual learners, parents, teachers, and administrators. Their mission is: “to advocate for our nations Bilingual and English Language Learners and families and to cultivate a multilingual multicultural society by supporting and promoting policy, programs, pedagogy, research, and professional development that yield academic success, value native language, lead to English proficiency, and respect cultural and linguistic diversity.”
  • Wordlingo Translator. is one of many online translators that can help teachers prepare materials in the home language. These resources are a good starting place for educators, although people who can speak both English and home languages are more accurate and should check online translations, when possible.
  • Awesome Talking Library can be used to download a free program that reads online text aloud both slowly and at a fluent pace. It can read text in English, Spanish, and a variety of other languages. This is an important resource, as students who are learning English can have the opportunity to hear text read slow enough to translate. Additionally, it is another way teachers can allow students to hear reading in their home language when other options are not available. Online books are available for reading as well.
  • Presentations and workshops for educators and Speech pathologists on multicultural issues .  Lots of information on bilingualism and children with developmental and language delays, including how to asses. Handouts, powerpoints and case studies available.
  • Diversity resources for teachers. Lesson plans and printables.
  • Colorin Colorado, Preschool for English Language Learners 
  • Head Start, Dual Language Learners 
  • Professional Development Series on Dual Language Learners, Head Start, Ready For Success, 2009-2010
  • Early Childhood Equity Initiative offers articles on building social justice in early childhood classrooms. Topics include racial and cultural awareness, celebrating diversity, and anti-bias curricula. Online at

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