Tripographer: Your Travel Memories Have Never Been Easier to Share

Sharing my travel experiences with my friends and family is easier than ever with Tripographer. Tripographer, powered by Marriot, is an online application where you can upload your travel images and edit them, put together slideshows and even take your friends on a virtual street-view tour of the places you have visited, all of this narrated by you. It’s like having your loved ones and friends take the trip with you!


I love to travel but traveling can be hard when you have children.  Since the kids where born most of the grown-up trips I have taken have been without my husband.  Whether I am traveling to blogger conferences, visiting family in Guatemala or taking a vacation I usually travel alone while my husband stays with the kids.


My best friend and I recently took a trip to New York City. The trip was truly a remarkable experience, but it was hard not having my husband there to share this with. I took lots of pictures but images alone don’t tell the whole story.  Until now I had not found a way to integrate all of the elements that make up an unforgettable trip but Tripographer lets you combine images, stories and actual street-views of the all the places you visited turning your trip into a virtual tour you can easily share with your loved ones.

Slideshow of my trip to New York on Tripographer.
Slideshow of my trip to New York on Tripographer.

Sharing your travel experiences

Sharing your travel experience is such an important part of travel for me!  I always take so many photos. I love to edit images when I get home and relive all of those wonderful memories. Some of my favorite apps to edit photos include Photoshop and Lightroom. You can treat your photos with different filters to give them a unique look and then create a slide show with them, you can use a slideshow video maker to make a slideshow video.

 Then I love to  can uploaded them to Facebook, Flickr or Instagram to share with my family and friends.   

Screenshot of the Lincoln Center on Tripographer's virtual tour of my trip to New York
Screenshot of the Lincoln Center on Tripographer’s virtual tour of my trip to New York

My trip to New York city was an unforgettable experience.  I love urban spaces and nothing compares to New York when it comes to restaurants, cultural events and architecture.  I was in heaven but why waste my time and yours by writing about it when I can just show you all of the places I visited on my virtual tour.  Make sure you click on the arrows to get awesome views of each landmark from every angle.

I also love that New York City is so close to Washington DC. Getting to Washington DC from NYC is easy and you can do it by train and get there in just a couple of hours. I’ve taken that trip a few times as I have family in Washington DC.

Yes, Tripographer also lets you embed your slideshow and virtual tour right into your post.  I know I will be using this in all of my travel related posts from now on.  It’s such a powerful way to share your travel experience!

Visit Tripographer and share the story of your latest trip with your friends and family.  Where have you traveled to lately?


Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

12 thoughts on “Tripographer: Your Travel Memories Have Never Been Easier to Share”

  1. I really like this! We travel a lot and like to document our trips but do get bogged down with taking pictures, uploading, emailing, etc.


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