Festival People en Español Presented by Target

I am so excited to tell you all about the Festival Festival People En Español an event celebrating Hispanic entertainment, culture and community in San Antonio, Texas, on September 1 – 2.  I am especially thrilled that my hermanas from Mamiverse.com will be attending and telling us all about what is going on. The Festival … Read more

HACER National Scholarship Program Recognizes First Group Of College Graduates At Chicago Celebratory Event

McDonald’s and Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC) honored the first college graduating class of RMHC/HACER National Scholarship recipients with a three-day celebratory event in Chicago, sponsored by McDonald’s, that culminated with a graduation ceremony on Thursday, August 16, at the Chicago Cultural Center.   “We are extremely proud of the success of the first generation of … Read more

An Avocado Recipe I Want My Child To Love

Chicken tomato and avocado-spinach pesto pasta One of my favorite things in the world is pesto. I love the fact that you can use it with almost anything, and also that you can make it with a great variety of ingredients. This particular recipe is made from avocado and spinach to create a rich and … Read more

How I Embrace Latin Music in My Life

I believe that music goes beyond being just entertainment, it can reflect your culture, your lifestyle, your personality.  An old Chinese aphorism states that its music can define a society. I grew up in Latin America but living in Guatemala is only part of my story.  My parents loved The Beatles and classical music so … Read more

Levántate un 10 with Net10 Wireless

I am participating in the Net10 Wireless Phones’ Test Drive Program and am very happy to share this prepaid wireless service with my readers. My kids start school this week and like all parents I worry about what goes on at school when I am not there to make sure they are ok.  As they … Read more

Supporting Caregivers of Aging Latinos

  Since we moved to the United States my husband, my children (7 and 4) and I have shared a home with my in laws. My children love having their grandparents so close and they, in turn, have been a great support to us; taking care of the kids if we both need to go … Read more

Tips for Tackling Life’s Messes and Stresses

Before my kids came along I could think of nothing worst than a sticky surface. Since I became a mother later in life I got used to having an impeccable house.  When my daughter was born I had white couches in the living room, how crazy is that?! I confess that when my friends came … Read more

Raising Champions

The London 2012 Olympics are almost here.  It is truly so inspiring to see all of these athletes who are realizing their dreams, who have worked so hard and have excelled by pursing something that they love and it makes your wonder… how do you raise champions? How do you, as a mother help your … Read more

Dare to Bare – Atrévete a Enseñar Tu Piel

Photo: Growing Up Bilingual. All rights reserved.   
This post is sponsored by Dove® ClearTone™ Deodorant– designed to visibly reduce underarm dark marks and even skin tone.

 The heat is on!!! With these record temperatures you want to be wearing strappy dresses and sleeveless tops every day.  But what if you have dark circles … Read more