The Jungle Book Diamond Edition and Pineapple Banana Jungle Pancakes / El Librode la Selva y Receta de Pancakes de Banano y Piña

This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Disney Studios.  However, all opinions expressed are my own.

pineapple bananan jungle pancakes with coconut glaze recipeWhen I was growing up at home there where always animals.  I am not talking about the tradtional pets like dogs or cats, mi house was practically a jungle and during my childhood we had all sorts of exotic pets from toucans and parrots to snakes and margays. So it is not surprising that my favorite movie was The Jungle Book.  When I was little I would have loved to have lived in the jungle surrounded by animals just like Mowgli did.  Besides that the Jungle Book is just such a fun movie.  My favorite scenes are when Baloo sings The Bare Necessities and the scene of King Loui and the monkeys in the city in ruins.

Bare Necesseties Quote CreativeAt home we where all very excited about the release of Disney’s The Jungle Book Diamond Edition Blue-ray ™ and Digital on Februrary 11th! This Disney classic has been restored and is available for the first time in high definition and let me tell you it has never looked or sounded so good! For me it was truly special to sit with my kids to enjoy de movie and tell them stories not only of all of my exotic pets growing up but also of all my jungle adventures.  You see I was born and have lived for most of my life in Guatemala and just a few hours away from the city you find yourself in the tropical jungle.  We used to camp a lot with my parents and we would sometimes camp in natural preserves in the jungle like the Biotopo del Chocón Machacas or the Biotopo del Quetzal, once we even camped in Tikal, a Mayan city in the middle of the jungle and it was very similar to that scene with king Louie and the monkeys.

Another thing that I love about the Jungle Book is the music. It’s practically impossible to watch this movie and not sing and dance along to the great songs.  The quality of theThe Jungle Book Diamond Edition Blue-ray ™ and Digital is really spectacular and additionally it includes 2 hours of songs and a code for downloading an activity book.

At home we also prepared some delicious pineapple banana jungle pancakes topped with coconut glaze.  Here is the recipe so you an also enjoy them.


pineapple bananan jungle pancakes with coconut glaze recipe
5 from 4 votes

Pineapple Banana Jungle Pancakes with Coconut Glaze

Prep Time 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes
Servings 4
Author Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz


  • 1 and 1/2 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 bananas mashed
  • 1/2 cup pineapple crushed
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tablespoons butter softened
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 8 ounces cream cheese I used ⅓ less fat.
  • 4 tablespoons coconut milk
  • cups powdered sugar more may be needed for correct consistency
  • ¾-1 cup sweetened shredded coconut toasted


  1. Mix together flour, baking powder, salt, and cinnamon.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine lemon, milk, banana, pineapple, and sugar.
  3. Beat wet mix into dry mix roughly, so as to add more air to mix.
  4. Spray non-stick olive oil onto griddle or skillet and preheat.
  5. Pour batter onto hot griddle.
  6. When pancake bubbles around edges and towards center turn.
  7. Pancakes are done when golden brown.
  8. To make the frosting: Mix butter, vanilla, cream cheese and coconut milk together until combined.
  9. Add powdered sugar a little at a time until desired consistency is reached. Add more coconut milk or powdered sugar, as needed, to reach desired consistency. Beat until combined well.
  10. Pour coconut glaze over warm pancakes.
  11. Garnish with toasted coconut.

I highly recommend that you get The Jungle Book Diamond Edition Disney movie because it’s a classic that your family will enjoy for may years to come.  I also want to share with you some printable recipes and crafts so that you can make these with your kids.

Jungle book crafts and activities free printables

Printable Jungle Book Activities download HERE. 

Jungle Book musical instrument crafts download HERE.

The Jungle Book inspired tropical smoothies recipes download HERE.

Jungle Book Kaa snake craft download HERE.

You can also join us in the Jungle Book Bare Necessities photo challenge.  Starting today you can post your pictures according to the following schedule and you can also check out all the awesome pictures searching for the #LoMasVital hashtag !

           [important] Join us for The Jungle Book #LoMasVital Twitter Party on 2/12 from 9-10 pm EST.   Follow @LatinaMomBlogs for details. RSVP HERE[/important]

You can continue the conversation by liking the Jungle Book Diamond Edition on Facebook  and follow @DisneyPictres on twitter.


Caundo era pequeña en mi casa siempre habían animales. No estoy hablando simplemente de mascotas tradicionales como perros y gatos. Mi casa era practicamente una selva, durante mi infancia tuvimos toda clase de mascotas exóticas desde tucanes y guacamayas hasta culebras y tigrillos.  Asi que no es de sorprenderse que mi pelicula fevorita era El Libro de La Selva.   De pequeña me hubiera encantado vivir en la selva rodeada de animales como Mowgli.  Además está pelicula tienen tantas escenas tan divertidas. Mis favoritas son cuando Baloo canta Bare Necesities o Necesidades Básicas y la escena en donde los monos y King Loui cantan en la ciudad en ruinas.

Jungle Book DVD Image

En casa estamos super emocionados de que haya salido la edición The Jungle Book Diamond Edition Blue-ray ™ and Digital, esta ha sido restaurada y los colores y el sonido nunca han sido mejores.  Para mi fue relmente muy especial sentarme con mis hijos a disfrutar de la película y contarles anécdotas no solamente de todas las mascotas que tenía cuando era niña sino tamien de todas mis aventuras en la selva.  Yo soy de Guatemala y a solo un par de horas de camino de la ciudad tenemos extensas áreas cuibiertas de selvas tropicales.  Con mi familia nos encantaba ir a acampar y muchas veces fuimos a reservas naturales como el Biotopo de Chocón Machacas, El Biotopo del Quetzal o a visitar las ruinas mayas de Tikal que estan en medio de la selva, muy similar a la escena del rey Luie y los monos.

Por supuesto otra cosa que me encanta de The Jungle Book Diamond Edition Blue-ray ™ and Digital es la música.  Caundo Baloo comienza a cantar no puedes evitar pararte y ponerte a bailar y cantar.  La pelicula realmente tienen una calidad excelente y el sonido es espectacular, adicionalemnte incluye 2 horas de canciones y un código para descargar un libro de actividades.

En casa además preparamos un delicioso pastel de piña y banano con frosting de coco.  

pineapple banana jungle pancakes with coconut glaze recipeTe recomiendo que obtengas esta nueva edición Diamante de El Libro de la Selva de Disney ya que es un clásico que tu familia disftutará simpre. Quiero compartir contigo algunas recetas y manualidades e imprimibles de El Libro de la Selva para que puedas realizar estas divertidas actividades con tus niños.

  • Imprimible de actividades del Libro de la Selva, descárgalo AQUI.
  • Imprimible de manualidades de instrumentos musicales del Libro de la Selva, descárgalo AQUI.
  • Imprimible de recetas de batidos tropicales del Libro de la Selva, descárgalo AQUI
  • Imprimible de manualidades de la serpiente Kaa del Libro de la Selva, descárgalo AQUI.

pineapple banana jungle pancakes with coconut glaze recipe snake craft

También puedes unirte al desafío de fotografía Lo Más Vital de el Libro de la Selva y compartir con nosotros tus fotos. Empezando hoy puedes compartir tus fotos en cualquier medio social utilizando el hashtag  #LoMasVital o puedes simplemente ver las fotos AQUí

           [important] Acompáñanos en la Fiesta de Twitter #LoMasVital el 2/12 de 9-10pm EST.   Sigue a @LatinaMomBlogs para más detalles. RSVP AQUI[/important]

Puedes unirte a la conversación dandole like a la página de Facebook de el Libro de la Selva y siguiendo a  @DisneyPictres en twitter. 

Jungle book logo



Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

12 thoughts on “The Jungle Book Diamond Edition and Pineapple Banana Jungle Pancakes / El Librode la Selva y Receta de Pancakes de Banano y Piña”

  1. Oh Boy- Sweetie’s gonna ♥ this one!! What a great recipe, pinned and looking forward to trying it out. As far as the Jungle Book, although the newer generation may not get all the inner jokes (vultures a la Beatles) it’s still a film that’ll never loses it’s spot among favorites for all. Great way to tie it all together Preciosa. BB2U


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