Before my kids came along I could think of nothing worst than a sticky surface. Since I became a mother later in life I got used to having an impeccable house. When my daughter was born I had white couches in the living room, how crazy is that?!
I confess that when my friends came over I was barely paying attention to the juicy gossip they might be sharing. I was on a mission: getting to that white couch, disinfecting wipes in hand, before the little munchkin with hands covered in gooey paste (the product of that cookie he was nibbling on plus a few gallons baby drool) did. After 7 years of parenting and two super messy kiddos, boy am I cured!!
My kids have taught me many, many lessons but one of the most important ones has been to take life easier and learn to enjoy life’s messes. Once you realize that there is no mess that can not be cleaned up then you are free to enjoy the excitement in your baby’s face when he realizes he can use his spoon as a launching device for his vegetables, decides to search for worms in your potted or discovers that the markers can be used to create a wonderful masterpiece…on himself, and the wall and that white carpet too!
Kids are learning, they are discovering and embarking in adventures as they learn about themselves and the world around them. As a parent you have to resist the desire to keep everything clean and tidy. You have to give your little ones the space and the freedom to get messy and at times even join in and get messy with them. Remember you can always clean up later.
You need to forget about perfection, which is unattainable any way, and jump into life with both feet without worrying about how messy things might get but focus instead on how much fun you will have and how much you will learn.
Huggies is introducing new and improved products designed to withstand the real life challenges of parenting: Huggies Snug, Dry Diapers and Huggies Wipes. And how much easier is it to tackle life’s messes and stresses when you have the right tools to clean them up?!
Together with Mexican TV personality and father of two, Poncho de Anda, the Huggies brand is helping Hispanic parents everywhere with tips, advice and a new webisode series on tackling the everyday stresses and messes of parenthood.
Follow Huggies Latino Facebook page HERE and share tips/stories with other Huggies parents for a chance to win a fully stocked Huggies diaper bag.
Disclosure: This post is compensated and in collaboration with Huggies and LBC. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
Consejos Para Manejar los Pequeños Desastres y Preocupaciones de la Vida
Antes de que mis hijos llegaran a mi vida no había nada peor para mi que una superficie pegajosa. Puesto que la maternidad llego un poco tarde a mi vida me acostumbre a tener una casa impecable. Cuando mi hija nació mi sala estaba decorada con un sofá blanco, que locura!
Debo confesar que cuando mis amigas llegaban a visitarme yo era incapaz de prestarle atención a los jugosos chismes que probablemente estaban tratando de contarme. Estaba concentrada en una sola misión: interceptor a ese pequeñín con sus manitas cubiertas en masita (producto de la galleta que estaba comiendo combinada con un par de galones de babas) antes de que llegara al sofá blanco. Después de 7 años como madre de dos chicos que tiene una habilidad innata para ensuciarse puedo declarar que estoy curada.
He aprendido muchas lecciones de mis hijos, pero una de las cosas mas importantes que me han ensenado es como tomar las cosas mas a la ligera y me han enseñado a disfrutar los pequeños desastres que nos presenta la vida. Una vez que te das cuenta de que los pequeños desastres siempre pueden limpiarse puedes realmente disfrutar cuando tu hijo descubre que puede usar la cuchara para lanzar por los aires sus vegetales, cuando se embarca en la búsqueda de lombrices en la maceta de tu planta preferida o cuando crea una obra de arte con sus marcadores nuevos en sus piernas, en la pared y en la alfombra blanca también.
Los niños están aprendiendo, descubriendo y embarcándose en aventuras mientras aprenden sobre si mismos y sobre el mundo a su alrededor. Como padres tenemos que resistir el deseo de mantener todo limpio y ordenado. Debemos darle a nuestros pequeños el espacio y la libertad para ensuciarse y a veces incluso debemos unirnos a ellos. Recuerda que siempre puedes limpiar después.
Olvídate de la perfección, que de todas maneras es inalcanzable e irreal y lánzate en esa aventura que es la vida sin preocuparte de los desastres. Enfócate en lo bien que vas a pasarla y en todo lo que vas a aprender .
Huggies esta ofreciendo productos nuevos y mejorados los cuales pueden ayudarte a lidiar con los retos de ser padres: Huggies Snug, Dry Diapers y Huggies Wipes. ¿Y que tanto mas fácil es enfrentarte a los pequeños desastres que te presenta la vida cuando tienes las herramientas correctas para poder limpiarlos?
Junto Poncho de Anda, personalidad de la TV Mexicana y padre de dos niños, la marca Huggies esta ayudando a los padres Hispanos con consejos, y tipos y nuevos episodios en una serie en el internet que te ayuda a enfrentar los pequeños desastres y preocupaciones de ser padre.
Sigue a Huggies Latino en Facebook AQUÍ y comparte tus consejos y historias con otros padres Huggies para tener la oportunidad de ganar una pañalera de Huggies llena de productos.
Aclaración: Fui compensada por este artículo el cual es una colaboración con Huggies y LBC. Sin embargo, las opiniones expresadas son propias y este artículo no ha sido editado por terceros.
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A great post! I can relate to this so well. I remember the time I spent decorating my daughter’s room in beige and white with matching wall paper, curtains and carpet – this to me at that time made it “idyllic”. The room did not stay that way for very long (if I mention diarrhea and beige carpet you probably get the idea), but luckily I found other things in that room that were truly idyllic like spending time with your child playing and reading. Today my house is a mess most of the time, quality time with the kids comes first.
Thanks for posting this! I can totally relate to this! I When I had my son I was still hoping to be able to have a “clean house”, but when my twingirls were born I realised that I had to calm down and let go. It took me a while but I really enjoyed (and still do enjoy!) making a big mess with them and spending time with them, without worrying about the cleaning up. There can always always be a tidy-up-time: later, when everyone has had fun.
Every mother knows that caring for a baby is not an easy task at all. Knowing that their babies are fragile and sensitive, mothers know that only the best must be provided to them to give them the optimum protection so they grow into healthy adults someday. This in itself is a problem already because the best products for baby’s growth do not come cheap. As a result, parents sometimes seek a compromise in order to give the best to their baby.^.”`
Good day to you