Mi Primer Libro de Cocina Bilingüe: La Comida / My First Bilingual Book: Food

I was provided a free copy of “Mi Primer Libro Bilingüe: La Comida – My First Bilingual Book: Food (Spanish and English)” so I could review it.

My first bilingual book


My goal this summer is to improve my children’s Spanish language skills and to aid me I am making use of  the best bilingual books I could get my hands on.  One of these is our newly acquired Mi Primer Libro Bilingüe: La Comida – My First Bilingual Book: Food (Spanish and English). This is a wonderful book for learning new words in Spanish or English while doing one of our favorite family activities: cooking together.

The book is organized in 3 main sections : La Comida/Food, ¡Vamos a Cocinar!/ Let’s Cook!  And Recetas / Recipes.

  • La Comida / Food  section teaches children simple vocabulary words related to different kids of foods.  It also includes some interesting information regarding the origin of some words or the way in which we use them.  I enjoyed learning a couple of new things and the kids thought it was really cool that some words like aguacate have their origin in the Aztec indigenous language.
  • In the ¡Vamos a Cocinar!/ Let’s Cook!  section the vocabulary that has already been learned is used in everyday phrases like “What do I want to eat for lunch” and the different foods and ingredients are grouped together to make different dishes.
  • Finally the last section : Recipes / Recetas includes simple, easy to make and kid friendly recipes that you can make together as a family and that include the vocabulary words that have been previously learned.


Mi primer libro bilingue

Like most children my kids learn best by doing and this book is just ideal as a tool for learning Spanish as it combines the instruction with hands on activities. With Mi Primer Libro Bilingüe: La Comida – My First Bilingual Book: Food (Spanish and English) my kids had fun learning the new words and how to use them in phrases and finally helping me in the kitchen as we prepared simple, kid friendly meals that let them practice those newly learned vocabulary words and phrases.

The illustrations are colorful, fun and engaging and captured their attention making the whole learning process enjoyable. The author Mar Andres Thomas is an expert in second language acquisition and her extensive experience in teaching Spanish to children of all ages really comes through in the way that this book is organized and presented.  The layout is clean and makes this book easy to understand even for smaller kids.  The book also provides some fun games to reinforce the vocabulary words. I love the way it is organized making the learning process very natural. Both of my children are looking forward to learning about the foods and ingredients for our next recipe.

To learn more about  Mi Primer Libro Bilingüe: La Comida – My First Bilingual Book: Food (Spanish and English)  you can visit the author’s website LearnSpanishFastForKids.com and like  Mar Andres Thomas on Fecebook.  The book is available at Amazon HERE:Mi Primer Libro Bilingüe: La Comida – My First Bilingual Book: Food (Spanish and English) .


Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

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35 thoughts on “Mi Primer Libro de Cocina Bilingüe: La Comida / My First Bilingual Book: Food”

    • Dear Krista,

      Thank you so much for your kind words. I appreciate the opportunity Paula has given me to show my book in her blog. I have had many wonderful moments with my students when i use my book, and I am sure you will do with your daughters. I used to cook and bake when my daughter was little, and it was a great and easy way for her to learn Spanish.

      Wish you all the best!

    • Hello,

      Thank you for your interest in my book. This is a tool you will enjoy to have, and your boys will have fun while learning Spanish!

      All the best,
      author of mi primer libro bilingue.

    • Thank you, Sarah, for your kind words. This book will help you lean a second language while comparing with your own, specially when you cook. As you will see, you can learn, not only words, but also expressions. It is not always possible to translate word by word; it is important that we make sense to what we say, even if that means that the translation is totally different to its original. For example, there is one expression in English that it is impossible to translate word by word in Spanish. Consider the following sentence: it is raining cats and dogs. It would not make sense to translate it word by word into Spanish. It is necessary to find its equivalent, even if that means that the sentence is totally opposite. In Spanish would be: llueve a cantaros, in other words, it is raining pitchers, in other words it is raining in torrents.

      I wish you all the best.

      author of mi primer libro bilingue

    • Dear Diana,

      Thank you for your comment. I really hope your comment will come true. Every one in the book industry talks about the lack of bilingual books, but at the same time, those of us that want to make a difference in the language field, we get rejected, because publishers are not brave enough to make the change, and to listen to what people are saying and what they need.

      I wish you all the best.
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

    • Thank you Bohemian for your interest in my book. It feels great to get support from readers like you.

      I wish you all the best.
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

  1. Este libro es una excelente herramienta para introducir el español en los que no son hispano – parlantes y un refuerzo muy bueno para quienes ya lo dominan.
    Me encantan las ilustraciones, hacen que el aprendizaje sea bastante agradable.

    • Hola Cristina:

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario. Realmente lo que has escrito fue mi proposito en escribir este libro, y los que tengo en mente escribir. Mi proposito es favorecer tanto a los hispanoparlantes como a los anglofonos.

      Te deseo todo lo mejor.

      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

    • Estimada Adriana:

      Gracias por tu comentario. Yo solia cocinar y hornear con mi hija desde que tenia 2 años, y nos divertiamos mucho. Ademas, era una manera muy divertida de aprender de forma amena y divertida. A los niños no les gusta tener que aprender algo y sentirse que es un deber, una tarea que realizar, de ahi que sea beneficioso que aprendan jugando, pues ademas aprenden mas rapido de esa manera.

      Te deseo lo mejor
      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

  2. hola. ya visite la pagina y quiero ganar este libro porqeu es genial para los peques para promover la lectura y las actividades en casa junto con los dos idiomas, que padre, gracias por la oportunidad.

    hello. and visit the site and I want to win this book because it’s great for kids to promote reading and activities at home with both languages, whose father, thank you for the opportunity.

    • Hola Nany:

      Muchas gracias por tu comentario; me alegro mucho que te haya gustado mi libro. Espero que te diviertas mucho con tus hijos aprendiendo un idioma u otro.

      Te deseo lo mejor
      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

  3. what a cute book! when i was a child, my mom always had a notebook where she would write down words in spanish and right under we had to write the word in spanish. everyday was a different topic ^.^ i plan on doing this with my kids too ehehe

    • Dear Nina:

      Looks like your mom had a teacher in her! What a wonderful activity to do with children. I hope you will have lots of fun with your children while you shop, cook or play games with them.

      I wish you all the best,
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

    • Dear Maybelline,

      I am sure you will have lots of fun cooking with your child, or shopping for ingredients. There are also games at the end of the book to reinforce words and sentences.

      I wish you the best
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

    • Dear Monica,

      Thank you for adding a comment. You will have lots of fun, many activities in just one book to reinforce what is being learned.

      I wish you all the best,
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

    • Dear Jessica,

      It is so wonderful to read that you have so much fun with your daughters. I think the difference between our generation and my parents, is that my parents made everything to be so serious, everything was a task, however, it does not have to be that way. We can teach our children by playing, sharing tasks but in a fun way, and they learn faster, because they don’t feel the pressure of learning and performing.

      Keep having fun! I wish you the best!

      author of primer libro bilingue

    • Hola Yissele,

      Gracias por tu mensaje. Sigue divirtiendote con tu hija en espanol! o ingles! uno siempre se puede divertir en muchos idiomas.

      Te deseo lo mejor

      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

    • Hola Teresa;

      Gracias por tu comentario. Es muy bonito y gratificante leer un menssaje con tanto apoyo.

      Te deseo lo mejor.

      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

  4. Trabajo como directora de un colegio prescolar bilingüe y me encanta este libro. Mi hijo estudia en un programa de dos idiomas de español/ingles pero nos hace falta libros bilingües sobre la cocina. Ultimamente estamos hablando mucho de la comida saludable y le afascina cocinar. Muchas gracias de todas maneras!

    • Hola Lorraine:

      Muchas gracias por compartir tu historia con nosotros. tu eres una persona que marca la diferencia en la educacion primaria, y eso es muy bonito.

      Te deseo lo mejor.

      autora de mi primer libro bilingue

    • Thank you for sharing, Daria!!

      I welcome your judgement of my book with humility and happiness.

      Wish you all the best
      author of mi primer libro bilingue

  5. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I hope you will enjoy a copy of my book that i will be sending you as soon as I have your address.

    All the best,


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