How Blogging Made My Dreams Come True

Disclosure: By telling the honest story of how blogging made my dreams come true and became my full time job I am entering to win BlogaliciousFIVE tickets and hotel stay from Looking to Help Others Growing Up Bilingual was born from the desire to help others. The idea came to me one day as … Read more

Benefits And Challenges in Second Language Acquisition: Part 1

For parents, the goal of raising bilingual children is often filled with both rewards and hurdles. This article explores the personal experiences and insights into the benefits and challenges of second language acquisition. Personal Journey in Language Learning I have been interested in languages since an early age. I remember vacationing with my parents along … Read more

Celebrate National Volunteer Week by Becoming a LatinoBig!

I cannot tell you how excited I am to be participating in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Latino Recruitment campaign.  I know, first hand, how a mentor can make a difference in someone’s life and change it forever. How Volunteering Will Improve Your Life I am passionate about advocating for and supporting the Latino community … Read more

Piropos and How My Smile Gives Me Confidence

When I was growing up I was pretty shy, most of my high school years where spent with my nose buried in a book.  I didn’t even notice boys existed until I was well into my late teens.  So by the time I got to college I realized I needed to work a little on … Read more

Entrepreneurship: Passion, Education & Confidence

Summer is a great time to tap into your passions, start thinking of the future, get some experience and even maybe start a business of your own. Do You Have an Entrepreneurial Spirit? The dictionary defines an entrepreneur as a person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and … Read more

How Social Media Allows Me To Share My Culture With Others

Social Media lets us reach more people faster and with less effort, it makes it easier for us to communicate and it lets more people find us! But what about sharing?  According to the dictionary sharing means to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., JOINTLY! Social Media lets us share small details of our lives … Read more