Piropos and How My Smile Gives Me Confidence

When I was growing up I was pretty shy, most of my high school years where spent with my nose buried in a book.  I didn’t even notice boys existed until I was well into my late teens.  So by the time I got to college I realized I needed to work a little on building my self-confidence to make up for lost time.  At first I didn’t feel at easy around guys but as I grew into my skin and realized I had so much to offer guys started noticing too and I have to admit I liked the attention.

My husband and I on our first day! I couldn't stop smiling that night.
My husband and I on our first day! I couldn’t stop smiling that night.


When I was single I liked getting noticed and when talking with a guy romantic or sweet piropos would always bring a smile to my face.  But what are piropos? Piropos are Latino’s cheesy pick up lines.  Filled with kitschy rhymes, piropos are truly one of a kind.  As long as the piropos are sweet and tasteful they break the ice and can be a great way to start a conversation with a bit of humor and a good laugh.  I want to make it clear I am talking about romantic piropos here, not about tasteless cat-calling or rude pick up lines you get from men when you walk down the street.

Here are some examples of funny and cheesy piropos and their translations:

  • “Haz un hueco en tu maleta, a partir de ahora mi corazón viajará contigo.” – Maker room in your luggage, from now on my heart travels with you.
  • “Hoy me sacaron unas radiografías y te encontraron en mi corazón, el doctor me dijo que no debía sacarte porque moriría de dolor.” – Today I got some X-rays and you where discovered in my heart, the doctor told me that he could not take you out because I would die of pain.
  •  “Tu papá debe ser pirata, porque tú eres un tesoro.” -Your dad must be a pirate, because you’re a treasure.
  •  “¿De qué juguetería te sacaron, muñeca?” – What toy store did they get you from, doll face?

Last night as my husband and I where making dinner in the kitchen I softly bumped into him, I turned around and looking into his eyes I smiled and asked:  “¿Estas bien? Porque debe haber dolido caerte del cielo.”  (Are you ok? Because it must have hurt when you fell out of heaven.).  I caught him completely off guard and as he blushed a little we both started laughing so hard we couldn’t stop.  We where just going through our day and with the help of a cheesy piropo I turned things around and we spend the rest of the evening smiling at each other and giving each other flirtatious glances.

Why My Smile is Important to Me

Now that I am married talking to guys is not something that I think about or have a hard time with anymore and part of that has to do with how comfortable I feel about myself.  Nothing builds up your confidence like feeling good about yourself: about your accomplishments as well as about the way your look. Having a beautiful and healthy smile always makes me feel confident and good about interacting with others and gives me the confidence to be funny and sometimes even a little daring.

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Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and P&G Crest. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

24 thoughts on “Piropos and How My Smile Gives Me Confidence”

  1. Una sonrisa es la puerta al exito. Por medio de ella podemos simplemente nos permite dar pasos firmes ante cualquier situación que se nos presente en el día, buena o mala. Una sonrisa es el parteaguas para conseguir muchisimas oportunidades en la vida.
    [email protected]

  2. A healthy smile gives me confidence during my day because I can talk to people and not have to feel self conscious


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