I have always believed that there is nothing that I cannot accomplish if I set my mind to it. Every success and every achievement has always started with a dream. The world is filled with opportunities and possibilities and all you need to do is dream. So how do we achieve those dreams? Here are 5 easy steps to get you going.
Derive Strength from Your Unique Heritage
Your culture, your roots and your heritage set you apart. Taking a look at yourself as a Latina and educating yourself on how people who come from other cultures are different, yet similar to you will also help you open yourself to other ways of thinking and to new perspectives. Embracing your uniqueness will improve your self-esteem and boost your passion, which will drive you to reach your dreams.
Don’t Be Afraid to Dream Big
Jump right in and dream big. Some times we doubt ourselves, we think that our dream is too hard to reach, too expensive, too impractical. But it’s that desire to change the world, to build something, to leave a legacy that will drive you to accomplish your dreams. Big dreams provide the fuel and the motivation to get you up and going in the right direction.
Get Inspired
Look closely at the trailblazers, at the world changers, at those people who have left their mark in this world. Look to other Latina Smart women and learn about their journey, about their challenges and how they overcame them and you will come to realize that they are just like you. If they can do it, you can do it too!
Educate Yourself
It doesn’t matter what your dream is there will always be things that you are not familiar with, things that you do not know how to do. Education is the foundation on which you can build every goal that you set yourself to achieve, education does not only open doors, it opens up the world.
Recruit Cheerleaders
Build a support group, surround yourself with people who believe in you and who will cheer you on. Sometimes it will be family and friends and other times it will be people who share your passions.
Take pride in who you are, educate yourself, push the limits, believe in yourself, embrace your cultura Latina! SUEÑA EN GRANDE because we are a driving force Y UNIDAS WE CAN REACH THE STARS!
Comment on this post and participate for the chance to win one of two Kmart $25 gift cards. All you have to do is share what motivates you to dream big. Thes giveaway ends on May 25th. Winners will be chosen randomly among all the comments and will be contacted by email after May 25th.
Disclosure: This post was written for Latina Smart who provided me with monetary compensation and is providing the Kmart gift cards for the giveaway. All opinions are my own and this post was not edited by a third party.
Ser Latina te Ayuda a Soñar en Grande
Siempre he creído que no hay nada que no pueda lograr si pongo empeño en hacerlo. Cada éxito y cada logro siempre ha comenzado con un sueño. El mundo esta lleno de oportunidades y posibilidades y todo lo que tienes que hacer es soñar. ¿Pero como lograr esos sueños? Aquí hay 5 pasos fáciles para ayudarte.
Saca Fuerza de tu Herencia
Tu cultura, tus raíces y tu herencia te hacen diferente. Mira hacia adentro y ve lo que te hace Latina e infórmate de cómo las personas que vienen de diferentes culturas son diferentes al mismo tiempo que todos compartimos similitudes te ayudara a abrirte hacia otras formas de pensar y expender tu perspectiva. Apreciar tu individualidad te ayudara a mejorar tu auto estima y alimentará tu pasión, la cual a su vez te impulsara para alcanzar tus sueños.
No Tengas Miedo de Soñar
Sueña en grande. Algunas veces tenesmos miedo, dudamos, creemos que nuestro sueño es demasiado difícil de alcanzar, demasiado caro, poco practico. Pero es ese deseo de cambiar el mundo, de construir algo, de dejar un legado que te dará la fuerza para realizar tus sueños. Los grandes sueños proveen el impulso y la motivación para hacer que te levantes y comiences a caminar en la dirección correcta.
Mira detenidamente a aquellas personas que han abierto el camino, que han cambiado el mundo, a las personas que han dejado su marca en el mundo. Inspírate en otras mujeres Latina Smart y observa el camino que han seguido, observa los retos que han enfrentado y como los superaron y te darás cuenta de que todas estas mujeres son como tu. ¡Si ellas pueden hacerlo, tu también puedes!
No importa cual sea tu sueño siempre habrán cosas que no sabes hacer, cosas con las que no estas familiarizada. La educación es el cimiento sobre el cual puedes construir cualquier meta que te hayas puesto, la educación no solo te abrirá puertas, te abrirá el mundo.
Encuentra Personas que te Brinden Apoyo
Crea un grupo de apoyo, rodéate de personas que creen en ti y que te darán animo para continuar. Algunas veces estas personas serán familiares y amigos y otras veces serán personas que comparten tus pasiones.
¡Está orgullosa de quien eres, edúcate, estira los limites, cree en ti misma, aprecia tu cultura Latina! SUEÑA EN GRANDE porque tu eres una fuerza de la naturaleza y ¡UNIDAS PODEMOS ALCANZAR LAS ESTRELLAS!
Comenta en este articulo para tener la oportunidad de ganar una de dos tarjetas de regalo de $25 para Kmart. Lo único que tines que hacer es comparatir que te motiva a soñar en grande. Ultimo día para participar: 25 de mayo. Las dos ganadoras serán seleccionadas al azar entre todos los comentarios y serán contactadas por email después del 25 de mayo.
Aclaración: Este articulo fue escrito para Latina Smart y fui compensada monetariamente. Latina Smart proporciono las tarjetas de regalo de Kmart para el sorteo. Todas las opiniones son propias y este articulo no ha sido editado por terceras personas.
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My mom inspires me to dream big because I always want to accomplish something new for her to be proud(er). I love surprising her with something new that I have done and keep her on her toes.
That is wonderful Pattie, she must be the proudest mother in the planet. Nothing like the inspiration that comes from your mom.
Feel free to dream big. Don’t be self-limiting. It is time to drop the ” minority mentality that keeps some Latinos tied to limiting stereotypes. We have the ability to achieve in whatever field we choose. Set your goals and dream big
That’s right Astrid, we can be our worst enemies. We need to let go of anything negative that anyone out there is projecting and look into ourselves and find our inner light, set that spark and shine like a firework.
Babushka’s biggest motivator is time. At 50, if not now- when? Para luego es tarde. As far as dreaming big, BB only knows how to do big. A BAILAR SE HA DICHO!!!
Never change BB, always dream and live big & never stop dancing!
I loved the sections about Inspiration and Education. I have realized that education is sometimes taking a stab at something/jumping in with both feet, seeing what works, then adjusting. As for inspiration, social media has connected me with amazingly inspirational people. Inspiration and Education can go hand in hand…educate yourself by connecting with those that inspire you! THIS is what has inspired me to dream big. ¡Muchas gracias para sueñas grandes!
Thank you Cheryl for you wonderful comment. I have also found inspiration in the wonderful people I have met through social media, it has opened many doors for me.
I’ll be your cheerleader anytime! Great positive post. 🙂
Sofia. You’re the best! Creo que te voy a nombrar mi cheearleading captain! 🙂 xoxo
I fully believe in the law of attraction, y que en lo que pensamos, en eso nos convertimos. Nosotros mismos somos muchas veces nuestros peores críticos y más fuertes enemigos.
Me encanta mucho un comercial de Apple donde aplauden a todos aquellos que son valientes suficiente de pensar y actuar diferente. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlgv4JeXCvs&feature=topics Porque muchas veces lo que nos falta es un poco de valentía para aceptar que el fracaso está sólo en nuestra mente… ya que toda experiencia vivida es positiva… ya que hasta las que pueden ser consideradas negativas, pueden ser a lo largo, algunas de las mejores experiencias de aprendizaje y crecimiento que tengamos.
Otra cosa interesante es una cita del publicista Leo Burnett, que dice en inglés – “When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one, but you won’t come up with a handful of mud either.” Pensar en grande siempre dejará mejores frutos que si pensamos pequeño.
Todos tenemos un grabn potencial escondidos dentro… sólo tenemos que ser valientes y lanzarnos a la vida. Muchas veces el Universo tiene muchos mejores planes que los que nosotros tenemos para nosotros mismos.
Totalmente de acuerdo Madelyn, nuestros pensamientos se vuelven realidad y por eso siempre debemos pensar positivamente y visualizarnos realizando nuestros sueños. Yo no me arrepiento de ninguno de mis fracasos, de cada fracaso y con cada caída he aprendido muchísimo y he crecido y esos tropiezos me han llevado de una u otra forma hacia el camino correcto.
I would say my biggest motivation is my son. I truly want to set a good example for him and I want him to be proud of all the things I’ve done so he can have a better life.
Maybelline, I agree with you, my kids are my greatest inspiration. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
Dreaming is what helps me continue to strive for the best. My biggest motivation in life are my young little girls. I want to be a good example for them…so I strive to be the best I can be for them. I try to engage in good habits so that they might look up to me and want to be like me. I not perfect by no means, per somos una familia unida con much amor!
I think to dream big and setting big goals for myself is a must. I have experience great things in my life for stepping out of the box and being “different”. Also, I want my children to have high aspirations and be confident that with hard work they can achieve anything.
When I was younger my father motivated & inspired me to dream big! It wasn’t so much his words but his actions- he was a great role model. He planned, implemented and executed! When he passed I wanted to continue his model for myself, for him and now for my boys. I want them to know not everything is easy, you must work hard but most of all believe that against any odds you can succeed! Hopefully they will carry this with them for a lifetime!
Seeing strong, successful women who are happy to mentor those just getting started is what motivates me.
My family inspires me to dream big. They think I’m the greatest and that there’s nothing in the world that I can’t do. I want to be greater for them.
Jewel, that is wonderful! How inspiring having your family give you their support and cheer you on because truly YOU CAN do anything in the world!
I say to dream big or go home! As the mother of two little girls, I hope to inspire them to be the best they can be. Whether they choose to be fashion designers, high-power corporate execs, or stay at home moms. Whatever it is they do, I hope they do it to the fullest!
Thanks for your comment Jennifer. I know my kids are my greatest inspiration always and my greatest hope if empower them to believe in themselves and know that there is nothing that they can not do if they set their mind to it.
My biggest motivation to dream big is my health. I was so sick that I was bed bound for a while. The realization that accomplishments can be as simple as having the strength to brush your teeth motivates me to dream big and then act on those dreams. I’ll never give up on my dreams!
Connie, thanks for your comment. That is so inspiring, we take our health for granted but we should all live life to the fullest every day!
Great article! I agree with everything you stated. I definitely try to motivate myself to accomplish my goals as well as teach my daughters to do the same.
Thanks so much for your comment and for visiting!
Paula, como latinas tenemos esa fuerza, esa energía y esa enorme alegría…. solo que a veces nos hace falta recordarlo. Gracias por tu artículo y en general por el website, estoy en contacto con la comunidad latina en Pittsburgh PA y usualmente lo comparto.
Gracias Sandra por tu comentario y por compartir mis posts!
I find that several things motivate me. The biggest are my husband, my kids and remembering what it was like being unable to do the things I wanted to do growing up. Now, I use every available moment to get things done and to keep moving because I had to earn the privilege of doing what I choose to do.
Varias cosas me motivan. Las mas grandes son mi esposo, mis hijas y el recuerdo de como se siente no poder hacer las cosas que yo quiero. Ahora, uso cada momento para hacer lo necesario y seguir moviendome porque tuve que ganarme el privilegio de elegir lo que quiero hacer con mi tiempo.