Huggies Dad Tips for Dealing With Life’s Stresses & Messes

I just started working part time after being a stay at home mom for a while and my husband is now, for the first time, working from home.  That means that our roles have been reversed and now he’s the one having to deal with all the messes and stresses of parenting 24/7. I have to say that so far he is doing an awesome job and I am so proud of him, he also has learned to appreciate what a hard job it is and I love that!

When I asked him if he had some tips he would like to share with other Dad’s he had this to say:


Being a Dad is awesome but it’s also a hard job.  I’ve always loved kids and I waited until my mid 30s to start a family so by the time my little girl came into my life I had been dreaming about how wonderful it would be for a while.  When I became a father it was more incredible than anything I had ever imagined but also a lot harder.  I was not prepared for the sleepless nights, the three hours of screaming in the evening when my little one had colic, the throwing up, the flying food, etc. I thought it would all be joy and laughter, now I know better and by the time my little guy came along I was better prepared!



Find the balance between not taking things too seriously and being a responsible parent.  There is nothing like having fun and putting yourself at your child’s level, sitting down on the floor to play with them, being goofy or letting them have that cookie before dinner once in a while will create a great relationship.  As fathers we sometimes are considered the fun one, because we might let our kids get away with some stuff, but it’s always important to have clear rules and know where to draw the line.


Before having kids you think you know what busy is, but you don’t! If you think you are busy at work try working as a full time parent or working from home and parenting!  After staying home for a couple of years with the kids my wife is back to work part time and I am working from home so I get to tackle all of the “messes and stresses” that come with parenting as well as those that come with work and I have never been busier.

Put yourself in your child’s shoes or diapers if they still don’t wear shoes.  Try to understand that for your child a broken toy or not getting to go to the park today is a really big deal.  At first it was really difficult for me to deal with meltdowns. I didn’t understand how something so small as a broken cereal box toy or having to leave the park could be a reason for crying inconsolably.  I have come to understand that what seems like something small for me might be a really big deal for my child and since I realized that I can concentrate on making them feel better and listening and when they realize you understand it helps calm them down.

Join Huggies on a Facebook chat for an opportunity to ask Poncho de Anda how he tackles the challenges of parenting.

When: September 20, 2012 from 12 pm EST to 1pm EST


Who: Poncho de Anda, TV personality and father of two

Huggies would love to hear from you! Please note the chat is in Spanish. Look for the picture of Poncho on the FB page to participate in the chat.

I also invite you to check out his great Poncho de Anda video: La Prueba de los Futuros Pintores.

Disclosure. This post is compensated and in collaboration with Huggies and Latina Bloggers Connect. However all opinions expressed are my own or my husband’s. 🙂

















Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

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