Hispanic Heritage: #OrgullosoDeSer Díaz

This is part of a sponsored campaign with DiMe Media and Coca-Cola. However, all opinions expressed are my own.


There are a few things that define people, and one of those things is their family name. Each family name carries history and traditions that everyone in the family shares. Your family name tells others a bit about where you or your family come from and your name’s meaning can even tell you a little about your family history.  My last name, Díaz, is a typically patronymic Spanish name; it comes from the given name Diego.  It’s similar with a lot of other Hispanic last names like Rodriguez from Rodrigo, Gonzales from Gonzalo, or Hernandez from Hernando – you get the pattern right?  And, fortunately, most times that name is a source of pride or orgullo for us Hispanics and my last name is no different.


You soy muy orgulloso de ser un Díaz, or I ‘m really PROUD to be a Díaz.  And I, of course,  want to pass that pride on down to my family.  Hispanic culture places a lot of value on traditions and family history and our names are an outward reflection of that sense of pride. When you live outside the country your name “belongs” to, you don’t tend to see a lot of it around though. I mean, just try to find a personalized souvenir with Cesar on it!   It’s hard to fan the flames of pride in our last name among the kids, when we don’t, really, see it represented anywhere.

Thank you Dad for everything you have pass on to me.
Thank you Dad for everything you have pass on to me.
Keeping the beauty and traditions of our beautiful Guatemala
Keeping the beauty and traditions of our beautiful Guatemala

So,when we saw that Coca Cola had started the “Share a Coke with” bottles I automatically thought –  there’s another thing I’ll never see our names on!  How wrong I was.  In honor of Hispanic Heritage month Coke is celebrating our Hispanic #OrgulloDeSer Rodriguez, Suarez, Nunez…and Díaz with Tattoo bottles representing hispanic surnames.  If you have a less common surname, you can even customize a Coke bottle with any name you wish, it doesn’t even have to be hispanic.


You can remove the temporary tattoo name on the bottle as well, and brand yourself with your “apellido” to show your Orgullo de Ser to everyone.  I know the Family are going to get a kick out of seeing Díaz on Coke bottles and have fun with these temporary tattoos as well. And, as for me, I’ll appreciate the opportunity to instil even a little more pride in the Díaz name.

Cesar Diaz
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