This is a sponsored post in partnership with Macy’s.
As the holidays approach, the magic of Christmas is all around us. Nowhere is it more evident than in the children’s excitement as they wait for Santa to bring them their gifts on Noche Buena.
Make-A-Wish® makes children’s wishes come true during the holidays and all year long. It is an organization that is truly near and dear to my heart as I volunteered for Make-A-Wish as a wish granter. I was going through a rough time a few years ago and could not find a job so I decided to volunteer my time and do something that would make me feel productive. I joined Make-A-Wish at a time when there was a real need in my area for volunteers who spoke Spanish. It was my job to go into Latino family homes and help children find the one thing that they wished for the most. Sometimes I even got the opportunity to be part of making those wishes come true. I got to see first hand the happiness and excitement in these children’s eyes and how the wishes that Make-A-Wish grants bring them hope and strength as they battle life threatening diseases. I could see how this experience was truly life changing for these Latino children and their families.
This experience not only touched me but changed me deeply and made me more aware of the importance of giving back and sharing joy with others. This is especially true during the holidays. Giving back is something we do en la familia and I have made sure to share with my kids the importance of getting involved and sharing joy in any way we can.
That is why I am really happy to be partnering with Macy’s to share that National Believe Day is happening on December 9th! For every letter to Santa that children bring to Macy’s red mailbox , located in their stores, or submitted online at, Macy’s will double their $1 donation to Make-A-Wish to $2 per letter up to $1 million! That’s in addition to the $1 million already committed through December 24th. Find out more about how you can make wishes come true now by clicking HERE.
My children write letters to Santa every year and what could be better than making a child’s wish a reality as you help bring magic into your own children’s Navidad by bringing their letters to Santa. In our family, writing letters to Santa and taking our picture with Santa is a family tradition. Back in Guatemala we continued to take family pictures with Santa even into adulthood, even when there where no kids around because we all believe in the magic of Christmas and the magic of Santa. So this year we loved that our family tradition was even more meaningful because bringing our letter to Santa will help bring joy to other children, children who really need some holiday magic!
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Que bonita oportunidad de ayudar al prójimo en esta época y sobretodo enseñar a nuestros hijos con el ejemplo.
Esta es una de las campañas de Macy’s que me encantan. Ojalá el espíritu de ayudar al prójimo durara todo el año.
I love Make A Wish foundation too. I volunteer at Give Kids the World Village in Florida, they are the ones that grant kids the wish to visit Disney World. Thank you for volunteering and sharing your story with us and for letting us know about the great job Macy’s is doing as well. Love Macy’s even more now.
No hay nada más bonito que devolver un poquito de lo todo lo que hemos recibido. Hay un dicho que dice, no hay nadie tan pobre que no tenga nada que dar ni tan rico que no tenga nada que recibir.