Why I Would Love To Attend the Niche Parent Conference 2014

niche parentI had the opportunity to attend the Niche Parent Conference last year and loved the informative sessions, the wonderful opportunities to grow and to connect with fellow bloggers but most of all I loved the camaraderie and the sense of community and support!  This year the Niche Parent Conference is sure to be even more exciting than last year. Not only is this conference including the whole family and being held at a Disney resort but the lineup of speakers and sessions is amazing. I specially love that there will be hands on workshops and sessions focusing on entrepreneurship and on building your brand!

I would be thrilled to experience the Niche Parent conference with my husband who has recently started blogging so it would be a great opportunity for both of us to grow and learn as well as to network with bloggers and brands. I am incredibly excited about the location this year: a great conference at the happiest place on Earth, what could be better? I am also really excited about the wonderful lineup of great speakers.


I have attended blogging conferences in the past but what I love about the Niche Parent conference is that it’s a small conference where you really feel that personal connection with attendees and speakers and where you truly get an opportunity to gain knowledge that is useful and that will make an impact on your blogging business.

My blog has really come a long way since I started but I believe there is always so much to learn from others and I love having the opportunity to share those experiences and to attend sessions that will help me strengthen my brand through hands on session.

Paula Bendfeldt-Diaz

Sharing is caring!

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