Becoming an American on 9/11

I remember exactly where I was on September 11th 2001, I was at the university in Guatemala. Everyone started talking about what was going on in the United States and someone turned on a TV in the architecture workshop and I remember watching one of the twin towers engulfed in smoke. It seemed surreal and … Read more

niños plantando semillas

Creando Recuerdos para el Día de la Madre

Se acerca el Día de la Madre y este año quería hacer algo realmente especial con mis hijos que tienen 7 y 4 años.  Han estado preguntándome que van a regalarle a la abuelita para el día de la madre y por primera vez, ambos están muy entusiasmados. Para mi los regalos más valiosos son … Read more

picking eggs for Easter

Easter in the USA and Semana Santa in Guatemala

  Semana Santa and Easter Sunday are one of my children’s favorite holidays. My little guy is all about chocolate, while my daughter loves the idea of the Easter bunny, the parties, and crafts. Easter is almost over, and even though I swear I only looked away for a second, my kids run around the … Read more

Raising Global Children in Easier Than You Think

 I recently read an article about multimillionaire American investor and author Jim Rogers and how he and his wife decided to move to Singapore so that their children can be immersed in the culture and the language of a continent he considers to be the future.  If you are reading this you probably have at … Read more

How Social Media Allows Me To Share My Culture With Others

Social Media lets us reach more people faster and with less effort, it makes it easier for us to communicate and it lets more people find us! But what about sharing?  According to the dictionary sharing means to use, participate in, enjoy, receive, etc., JOINTLY! Social Media lets us share small details of our lives … Read more

5 Last Minute Carnaval Crafts & Activities To Do With Your Kids

Carnaval, the period of time just before Lent, is celebrated in many Latin American countries in different ways. Because it precedes days of sacrifice, Carnaval is a celebration that involves costumes, dancing in the streets and parades. So Carnaval is today and there’s no time to prepare anything.  Don’t worry,  the important thing about celebrations … Read more

Cascarones are a Guatemalan carnaval traditions, learn more about Carnaval traditions on Guatemala.

Cascarones & Pica-Pica: Memories of Carnaval in Guatemala

Carnaval in Guatemala, like in many other cultures around the world, is a tradition of religious origin, which is celebrated on Fat Tuesday, right before the start of Lent . In most parts of Guatemala we don’t have a huge celebration like Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Carnaval in Rio de Janeiro. Two exceptions … Read more